MSSQL: REPLICATION LATENCY6 Aug 2024SQL Server replication is the mechanism for copying and distributing data and database objects from…
AZURE/AMAZON RDS: STORAGE AVAILABLE SPACE19 Jun 2024Azure storage available space refers to the amount of cloud storage for database data provided…
SQL: DATABASE UNAVAILABLE TO QUERY28 May 2024Sometimes, an MSSQL database becomes inaccessible for executing queries while remaining accessible for viewing data. …
AZURE: MAX WORKER19 May 2024Azure Max Worker measures the total task load performed by the cloud instance. The impact…
AZURE: DTU UTILIZATION14 Apr 2024Higher DTU utilization indicates that the Azure SQL Database is consuming more resources than expected.…
TSQL: KILL PROCESS1 Apr 2024AimBetter tracks the number of queries that have been terminated by a ‘KILL’ command. The…
SQL: DATABASE STATUS25 Mar 2024SQL Server database possible statuses are as follows: EMERGENCY: A user has changed the database…
SQL: SESSION CPU WAIT COUNT11 Jan 2024This metric provides the number of queries SQL Server reports waiting for CPU availability. There…
SQL: EXCEPTIONS26 Oct 2023SQL exceptions occur when a query has been executed but cannot be completed. The proper…
MSSQL: INTERNAL MEMORY PRESSURE24 Oct 2023SQL Internal memory pressure is an SQL Memory metric that measures memory used by the…