RTPS Platform

Root cause detection 24/7

Real-Time Problem Solving Solution

Pinpoints the root cause of database system issues in real time
Requiring no DBA expertise, AimBetter's intuitive dashboards enable IT professionals to efficiently identify the root causes of database system issues, reducing 80% of the DBA expert's workload and allowing them to focus on faster resolution and optimization.

Click to take a short tour

Login from any browser with your e-mail and password. If you have SSO, the e-mail is enough.
The first screen is the Home dashboard where you can see all the servers issues by severity.
Red for high severity, orange for medium, yellow for low. Green is OK.
Click on the server’s bar to receive more details.
Let’s focus on this Queries running long alert.
Open the Settings at the end of the alert row to see or edit the rules.
See what are the settings and change them if needed.
On Queries Live you can see what is running right now and what’s taking longer to complete.
See all the query details: who is running it, from which app, on which DB and so on. If there is some recommendation or alert related, this will also be displayed here.
Bingo! You get the specific part of the query taking long to complete.
Choose the Duration filter to focus on all the long queries of the last hour.
Select the blocked sessions filter.
Analyze the long queries that caused blockings in just a click.
You can see all the blocked sessions and their details.
The query’s details are displayed in a click and you can download its plan.
On the QAnalyze, millions of queries analytics are displayed.
Open the details of the query consuming more CPU in this server in the last hour.
See the performance of this query over the last day.
Obtain this query’s executed plans statistics and download.
Obtain this query’s executed plans statistics and download.
Navigate to the Observer Overview of all the servers events in the last day. On the calendar, you can change the date or period.
29-Observer Overview Single Server Calendar
31-Observer Overview Single Server Calendar Compare Result
Let’s select the Null Exception event that occured 1.300 times in the last day.
You can see that it happens every hour about 60 times. Click on a specific occurence to see its details.
You can see the event details to understand where the data loss occured.
Removing the filter you can see all events categories ordered by frequency. Let’s focus on the Login Exception.
View all the failed logins at once.
Check Backups policy and execution.
Understand Deadlocks.
And see all the changes that happened in the last day. From here we will jump to the Performance tab.
See the performance and configuration of all servers in a glance.
See all processes with details. Note that you can even take action, like killing a process, if this feature is enabled.
On the Analyze, get the analytics of resource usage every 5 minutes.
You can see the processes that consumed more CPU in the selected time.
Click on Disk to view which files had highest IO at any time.
On the Hot Files you get which files had highest data traffic.
You can add or remove hundreds of built-in metrics as you prefer.
View the web server activity and filter to focus on what matters.
You can see the processes that consumed more CPU in the selected time.


Real-time 24/7 Diagnosis
Automatic 24/7 diagnosis, sending alerts before users feel the problem or affect the company’s performance.
SAAS Cloud-based
Data and analytics are stored in our cloud, so it does not load the client’s system.
Security and Data protection
Enables detection of different security threats and their exact source in a short time adding to the company’s protection tools.
Small and quick installation
One light installation for all the servers in the same domain (“agentless”).
Via Web browser & Mobile app
Get access and be notified from anywhere, opening as many tabs as you want to see different views simultaneously.
Proprietary AI
Artificial Intelligence developed to execute automatic DBA tasks.
Friendly and intuitive UI
Unique structured UI to provide the best user experience and optimal view with multiple graphs and more than 400 metrics.
Holistic view
Overview of the whole database environment with all its elements in the different layers. Hardware, System, Network, Applications, Exceptions, Queries, and Web traffic in one place.
Deep insight
Drill into the details whenever you need to understand better some specific issue, all in the same place. We pinpoint the issue and give you the tools to investigate deeply in just minutes.



All issues by severity

Quickly identify and address the most urgent cases.

Scroll over the bars and see the current challenges through labels beneath the status bars

Choose which servers to focus on by selecting the hierarchical layers (All, Company, Host, or Server)

Get details in seconds by clicking on the status bar

Understand all the SQL Server environment health through over 400 critical system metrics

Intuitive graphical display of metrics over time

Easily compare metrics during different periods

Investigate resource consumption going back to Logs at any desired time

Waiting stats analysis for a straightforward identification of the source of delays in the system


+600 Built-in metrics and statistics


Database activity

Real-time comprehensive analysis of all queries

Identify blocking queries with users’ details

Multiple filtering options

Recommendation for missing index and plan improvement

Execution plan deep analysis

Resource usage analysis (CPU, memory, execution count, Disk I/O, and Cache).

Keep updated on any changes like software installation and updates, database creation, service status changes, and more

View all the exceptions in both OS and SQL levels with details of when they happened, who the user was, the application it originated from, and their description

Recognize abnormal behavior, such as login attempts, that may pose a serious security breach

Follow up easily on the Database backup initiatives and their proper execution.

Understand all the deadlocks causes and victims


Events and changes easy tracking


Web server activity

Real-time comprehensive analysis of all HTTP requests

Requests’ complete flow detailing the impact of different processes on the response time

Identification of requests issues, including users and application details

Multiple filtering options to focus on what matters most

Header and Body page parameters

Manage floating license by enabling/disabling Servers from monitoring

Customize which events will be notified

Edit and configure each alert severity threshold and other parameters

Set additional emails for notifications

Define Maintenance time to freeze email notifications for a determined period


Easy customization

AimBetter stands out for:

Real-Time Diagnosis

Sys-DB-App-Client Cross-information analysis

Pinpoints the root cause in real-time

Proactive smart notifications

Shortens the Troubleshooting time

ML continuous improvement

Automatically detects code, security, data loss issues, and much more

Powerful DBA Capabilities

Millions of queries/minute

Execution plan analysis and download

Plan improvement recommendations

Missing index suggestions

Top resource-consuming queries

Followup on DB growth and Backups for optimal maintenance

Seamless Integration

5-minute Installation

Friendly & Intuitive for all the IT Team

Ready to Use Solution

100% SaaS, no System Overhead

Hundreds of Built-in Metrics

Scalable, great for Enterprise and SMBs


Productivity Enhancement


IT Professionals can focus on creative work

Smooth system performance

Management comprehensive view

Better IT Team Cooperation

Improved customer experience

Cost Savings

Save IT professionals time

Save on users’ efficiency

Save on downtime

Increase sales

Save on unnecessary infrastructure addition

Join leading companies that are using AimBetter

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